What To Expect From The Homeowners Insurance Inspection

A home insurance inspection is completed by the insurance company on almost every policy to assess the home’s replacement cost and risks that could cause future insurance claims.

Here are a few things an insurance home inspector will look for:

Trees: Trees or branches that overhang or touch the roof or home. Not only can branches break in a strong windstorm and cause damage to you roof, they will also break under a very heavy snowfall. Any branches that overhang the roof or home will have to be trimmed back. Insurance companies have started to use aerial photos from airplane photos to determine if branches are overhanging the roof which is much less costly than sending an inspector to your home.

Handrails: All handrails must be to code. If you have more than four stairs, Utah State Building Codes require you to have a handrail on at least one side of the stairs. Utah Code Section 15A-3-105

Roofs: Most insurance companies require your roof be less than fifteen years old and be in good condition. If your roof is older than 15 years, your insurance company may take underwriting action by cancelling your policy or by adding ACV – Actual Cash Value roof coverage.

Dogs: Dogs bite claims can be significant. If the inspector notes evidence of a dog they may inquire about the breed of the dog. If the dog is an aggressive breed as determined by the insurance company, they may exclude the dog or cancel the policy. What’s The Average Dog Bite Claim in Utah? | Anderson Insurance Group

Soffit & Facia Damage: Damaged soffit or facia increases the likelihood of an ice dam which can cause damage to the inside of the home.

Windows: To pass the home insurance inspection, the home cannot have any broken windows.

Driveways & Sidewalks: Must be in good condition and not have any tripping hazards such as raised cement.

Debris: Debris is the word used in the insurance industry. If you have a lot of “stuff” on your property it presents a fire and liability hazard and the insurance company will want have it removed.

Here are a few more common insurance inspection questions:

Can the company cancel my policy based on the home insurance inspection? In the State of Utah insurance companies can cancel your policy for inspection concerns in the first 60 days of the policy. If your property fails inspection, they may take action and you may need to take immediate action in order to continue coverage. In some cases, they may give you up to one year to repair inspection concerns.

When do companies inspect? Almost every new homeowners policy will require an inspection. Changing insurance companies will also trigger a new inspection. Some of our companies will physically inspect the home every seven years. Recently insurance companies have implemented aerial inspections from recent airplane flybys across the United States.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to an Anderson Insurance Group agent today for questions regarding your homeowners insurance inspection.

On the Anderson Insurance Group preferred vendor list you will find tree trimmers, roofers and handymen who can help repair the most common issues that cause a home to fail inspection. Preferred Vendors in Taylorsville, UT | Anderson Insurance Group

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