Does Restaurant Insurance Cover Spoiled Food?

Insurance for food spoilage depends on the coverage in your restaurant insurance policy. Food spoilage can be added two different ways. In a recent review with a restaurant owner we confirmed food spoilage coverage in the amount of $30,000 added as an specific endorsement to the policy. The additional cost was about $500.00 per year. We received a call about a claim and inquiry about food spoilage and were able to advise a client he has $10,000 coverage as provided by the Restaurant Plus endorsement added to his policy. A “Plus” endorsement is the easiest way to add coverage for spoilage but it may only offer a limit that is high enough to cover all of the food you may lose. Whether you add a specific endorsement or get food spoilage insurance through a Plus endorsement it’s important.

One of our agency’s favorite take-out restaurants is ChaiYo Thai Togo. They really have a passion for their Thai food and we promise it’s the best Thai take out in Salt Lake. Recently a car hit the power pole that provides power to their restaurant causing them to lose power for two days which resulted in a loss of the food in their refrigerator. Through the Restaurant Plus Insurance endorsement we were able to provide $10,000 of coverage.

Who you choose for restaurant insurance matters. For an agent that will pay attention to all the details call Anderson Insurance Group today.

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